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Madrichim Program: Teen Leadership and Learning

The Madrichim: Teen Leadership & Learning Program is a chance for post-b'nai mitzvah teens (and/or Jewish teens in 8th-12th grades) to give back to our TBY and JCAL community. Madrich/Madrichah means “guide” in Hebrew. Madrichim (plural) serve as the teachers' assistants for JCAL. The program is designed to develop participants' social and leadership skills, and expand their Jewish knowledge. It is a personal growth experience tailored to each participant!

The Madrichim Program is a weekly commitment of every scheduled JCAL session (Sundays, September 8, 2024 - May 18, 2025). You can find the
Madrichim/JCAL calendar here.  Each teen will be assigned to a class/teacher, based on your interests and the school's need. Madrichim can earn community service hours or hourly wages for this program.*
Duties may include:
  • Helping with classroom management
  • Mentoring younger students
  • Supporting class projects, including running activities and small groups
  • Taking attendance and assisting a teacher as needed
  • Developing activities and icebreakers to engage students
To be a Madrich/ah, you must commit to attending:
  • At least 90% of JCAL sessions for your assigned class**
  • Mandatory Madrichim Orientation, Sunday, August 18, 9:00 - 12:30***
  • Optional Regional Day of Learning and Orientation, August 25, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (offsite)
  • Hebrew Lab only: Hebrew Team Orientation, Sunday, August 11, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
  • Weekly Madrichim Debrief immediately following your program (10-15 minutes each)

The Madrichim Program includes learning about once a month, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. In the Fall this will be Madrichim Trainings, learning focused on developing madrichim skills. In the Spring this will be Teen Learnign with clergy, with teens of the same/similar grades to expand your Jewish knowledge and toolbox! Dates for your Fall track will be shared once you've received your madrichim placement. Schedule for learning sessions coming by late August, 2024

In order to participate in the Madrichim Program, your parents/guardians must be members in good standing.

After you submit your application, Rabbi Miriam will be in touch to schedule an interview.

*You must be 14 to earn wages for this program, and submit the required paperwork, including a Work Permit from your school.
Click here to see the Madrichim Wage Schedule to get an idea of what your rate might be.

**For students who are interested in participating in the Madrichim Program, but cannot make the weekly commitment, please indicate that in the application below. There are other sporadic opportunities available.

***If you cannot make the Madrichim Orientation on 8/18/2024, reach out to Rabbi Miriam to schedule a make-up meeting following.

Thank you to generous donors who underwrite the Madrichim Program!

If you see your parent/guardian's e-mail address in this field already, replace it with your own.

If funding is available, students 14 and older may be paid beginning at the teen minimum wagewith a work permit. See above for the Madrichim Wage Schedule.
What skills do you bring to this role?
As a madrich/ah?

Food, environmental - anything that might ebe important for us to know
This may include website or social media. Please check with your parent!


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785