To learn more about the different ways you can give to TBY, click on the images above.
Tribute Funds
Consider supporting Temple Bat Yahm while remembering or honoring someone dear to you. Donations in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion (Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Birth, Graduation, etc.) are a very old and cherished Jewish tradition.
The Tribute Funds make it possible to support a number of special programs in the Temple and community. As the purchaser of the Tribute, you have the opportunity to designate which fund and area of Temple Life that your contribution will support.
Whatever fund you choose, please know that your contribution will honor both the recipient and help sustain our Temple community – a double mitzvah! CLICK HERE to make a Tribute (Dedication) online.
Adult Education Fund
Funds are used to support educational programming for adults
Daniel J. Kraus Memorial Library Fund
Funds are used for the purchase of books and enhancement of our Temple Library
Dr. Rabbi Gershon Zylberman Pastoral Care Fund
Funds are used to provide pastoral care to our members who need help with social service(s) including home care, hospital, or hospice. This provides our Rabbi the ability to help with the myriad of issues that can often arise.
Duarte Family Social Action Fund
Fund is used to support TBY projects focused on local, national, Israeli and international social action issues. Donor may specify a particular TBY tikkun olam project.
Early Childhood Education Wish List Fund
Funds are used to support special projects and purchases for the TBY Preschool
Faye Eisman Seldin Chapel Beautification Fund
Funds are provided for the beautification of our Sanctuary and Chapel
Full Inclusion Preschool Project (FIPP) Fund
Funds are used to support a special needs program at TBY and TBESOC
Gil Kruger Youth Technology Center Fund
Funds are used for Religious School computer lab and technology center
Max and Molly Goodman (Cantor's) Music Fund
Funds are used for the purchase of printed music for services and special events, to provide for professional singers and instrumentalists and to support the Cantors in other musical activities at TBY
Membership Community Fund
Funds are used primarily to assist TBY members with Religious School tuition and Membership Dues support
Prayerbook Fund
Funds are used for the purchase of Sabbath, High Holy Days, and Festival prayerbooks
Rabbi Mark S. Miller Lifelong Learning Fund
Funds will be used to sustain programs for lifelong learning
Robin Schwartz Holocaust Education Fund
Funds are used to support Holocaust Awareness and Education for TBY Religious School and Adult Educations programs
Senior Rabbi Discretionary Fund
Funds are used at the Senior Rabbi's discretion
Sherman Education Center Wish List
Funds are provided for the acquisition of special equipment and materials for Religious School & Teacher Appreciation gifts
Sonenshine Family Religious School Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to needy families for Religious School
Sue Schoen Memorial Preschool Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to Preschool students with financial need
Torah Fund
Funds are used for maintenance and kashrut of the Torah Scrolls and accoutrements
Tzedakah Fund
Funds are distributed to worthy causes, needy families and individuals in our community and throughout the world
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785