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Women of Temple Bat Yahm (WTBY), formerly known as TBY Sisterhood, has shaped our congregational life for more than 30 years. WTBY, with more than 200 members, connects us socially and spiritually to our Reform Jewish values and our community. We contribute to our Temple, serve the local community, sustain national and international programs; all accomplished with fun, innovative social and fundraising events.

WTBY Board of Trustees 2024-2025

Presidents Council: Naomi Glass, Sherrill Lief & Phylis Jacobs
Financial Secretary: Naomi Glass
Treasurer: Stacey Von Berg
Recording Secretary/Camperships: Sherrill Lief
Corresponding Secretary: Eden Evleth
Immediate Past President(s): Eileen Garbutt & Terry Kraft
Parliamentarian: Nancy Marcus
Membership Trustee: Renie Bassin
Religious Life Trustee: Nevona Shabtai       
Special Events/Programming Trustee:  Sharon Bernstein
Ways & Means Trustee(s): Vicki Fackler & Debbie Newfield

Movie Night: Sorrell Wayne
Yahrzeit Remembrance Fund: Sunny Gordon
Gift Shop Treasurer: Phylis Jacobs
Social Action: Blood Drive Phylis Jacobs
Social Media Coordinator  
Marketing/Weekly Newsletter Editor: Nevona Shabtai
WRJ Representative: Nancy Marcus
Member(s) at Large: Jessica Boyd, Sally Spiro, Barbara Meyers, Alisa Gichon
Honorary Member: Joan Rome

Support WTBY

To make a tribute to the Helene R. Jacobs Campership Fund, please send a check to:
WTBY Campership Fund 
c/o Temple Bat Yahm
1011 Camelback Street
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785